The wonderful electronic evaporator
Distinction, elegance and delicacy vaporizer The beloved evaporator is new and delicate.
Features: –
Distinguished by its Qiot shape
and great size
A great feature of it is its long lasting battery
It works without charcoal and without an electricity connection, but charging. Like mobile
High rate of return is available.
Absolutely safe for personal use, or for steaming clothes inside wardrobes or for steaming broken hair.
Can be used in the office, in the car, or anywhere
Its size is elegant, it can be carried anywhere
The smell comes out clear, not burned, like incense, as in other incense burners
It has an attractive and beautiful shape, and is easy to carry in homes, travel and bags
A great idea to present a special gift, as it is luxurious as a gift for the one you love or the most beautiful newlyweds
It has three gorgeous colors
Silver color
The black color is BLACK
Terms of use
First When you take it, charge it directly, so if the green sign means it is on, if the signal is red and the charger is connected, it means charging, then if the signal is red and the charger is not connected, it means the battery needs charging
Secondly You can put incense
Third How to start it Press the start button twice
In conclusion Live well-being with your family and enjoy the scent of incense that breathes your breath.
It has free attachments
Connect it to USB
small incense tongs
Small cleaning brush